Before you think that I am speeding for a midlife crisis,
let me assure you I am not. For
one, I am not really into cars. I
do not need a convertible and my wife already looks in her 20’s, I am good
there too. But two things happened
this weekend that also changed my outlook and mood on getting older. First, Saturday I spent the day doing
something I absolutely love, watching my sons play sports. While I was
cheering, yelling and rooting for my kids playing soccer, across the parking
lot another father was umpiring a softball tournament and fell out on the
field. Sadly, he did not make it. I did not know him or his family, but
certainly my thoughts and prayers go out to them. It was a shocking wake up call for me. Even though I am in the business of
life insurance and talk about it everyday, it was still a hard blow to realize
how short and precious life is.
Tomorrow is promised to no one and in a moment it can be gone.
Ironically, the second thing that changed my perspective
about my birthday was a conversation I had with my wife the night before Saturday’s
games. As I was whining about
getting older and feeling depressed about everything I have not done, she
stopped me and said, “Enough, look at everything you do have. You have done well
and you are blessed.” That is a truth I needed to be reminded of.
So while this birthday was not filled with a big party or a night out on the town like in the past, it was exactly what I needed. Getting older meant I get to go play golf for my birthday with my 10-year-old son. It meant I got to watch my sons run around the soccer field while I sat with their beautiful mother.
So while this birthday was not filled with a big party or a night out on the town like in the past, it was exactly what I needed. Getting older meant I get to go play golf for my birthday with my 10-year-old son. It meant I got to watch my sons run around the soccer field while I sat with their beautiful mother.
Sunday night, while I looked out the back window at my
three sons playing in the backyard and my wife sitting in the family room, a
sense of fulfillment came over me.
I have been blessed in my 39 years and I am doing okay and life is too
short to worry about it anyway.
I then stayed up until 1am playing video games because it
was the last year until I am old.
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